

नेपाल संवत: ११४५ पोहेलागा अष्टमी - २३

Press Release on Government of Nepal’s concerns over the media coverage attributed to political leaders of Bihar State of India making statements about Nepal

Serious attention of the Government of Nepal has been drawn to media coverage in today’s broadsheets attributed to senior political leaders of Bihar State of India making statements about inherently internal issues of Nepal.The statements are provocative and uninformed about the ground realitiesand do not serve the fundamental interest of the two countries. The Government of Nepal expresses deep regrets over such statements. They are not helpful in the ongoing efforts aimed at normalizing the situation.

The Government of Nepal urges all to exercise restraint from making statements that may seriously undermine the harmonious relations between the two countries and peoples. It also calls for positive attitude and contribution from all concerned to promote bilateral relations.


Office of the Spokesperson

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Government of Nepal

02 February 2016